Organization Profile - St. Mary and Milk Rivers (Boundary Waters Treaty)

St. Mary and Milk Rivers (Boundary Waters Treaty)

The information presented on the following pages is for reference purposes only and should not be considered or relied on as an authoritative or exhaustive source of all Governor in Council appointments or positions.

Home Page Link

Minister Responsible

Minister of Foreign Affairs


Signed in 1909, the Boundary Waters Treaty provides the principles and mechanisms to help resolve disputes and to prevent future ones, primarily those concerning water quantity and water quality along the boundary between Canada and the United States.

Head Office

Edmonton, Alberta

Appointment Provisions

The Canadian Accredited Officer (St. Mary and Milk Rivers) is appointed by the GiC pursuant to Article VI of the Treaty between the United States and Great Britain relating to Boundary Waters.


Accredited Officer (St. Mary-milk Rivers)

  • Not Paid (public servant)


Accredited Officer (St. Mary-Milk Rivers) 
Jenkinson, Wayne
Ottawa, Ontario
During Pleasure (Interpretation Act)