Organization Profile - Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions

Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions

The information presented on the following pages is for reference purposes only and should not be considered or relied on as an authoritative or exhaustive source of all Governor in Council appointments or positions.

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Minister Responsible

Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

Appointment Provisions

An Act respecting the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions

The Governor in Council shall, on the recommendation of the Attorney General, appoint a Director of Public Prosecutions. The Director has the rank and status of a deputy head of a department.

The Attorney General shall establish a selection committee consisting of the following members: a person named by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada, a person named by each recognized political party in the House of Commons, the Deputy Minister of Justice, the Deputy Minister of the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness and a person selected by the Attorney General.

The Attorney General shall submit to the selection committee a list of not more than 10 candidates whom he or she considers suitable to be appointed as Director, each of whom must be a member of at least 10 years standing at the bar of any province. The committee shall assess the candidates and recommend three of them to the Attorney General.

The Director holds office, during good behaviour, for a term of seven years, but may be removed by the Governor in Council at any time for cause with the support of a resolution of the House of Commons to that effect. The Director is not eligible to be reappointed for a further term of office. At the end of the Director’s term, the Director shall continue in office until his or her successor is appointed. The Director shall engage exclusively in the duties and functions of his or her office under this Act or any other Act of Parliament and shall not hold any other office or engage in any other employment for reward.

The Governor in Council shall, on the recommendation of the Attorney General, appoint one or more members of at least 10 years’ standing at the bar of any province to be Deputy Directors of Public Prosecutions. The Attorney General may only make the recommendation after consultation with a selection committee consisting of the Director, a person representing the Federation of Law Societies of Canada and the Deputy Minister of Justice.

In the event of the incapacity of the Director or a vacancy in that office, the Governor in Council may authorize a Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions to act as Director, but no person may act as Director for a period exceeding 12 months without the approval of the Governor in Council.


The Governor in Council shall, on the recommendation of the Attorney General, appoint one or more members of at least 10 years’ standing at the bar of any province to be Deputy Directors of Public Prosecutions. The Attorney General may only make the recommendation after consultation with a selection committee consisting of the Director, a person representing the Federation of Law Societies of Canada and the Deputy Minister of Justice.


The Director shall be paid the remuneration and expenses that are fixed by the Governor in Council. Once fixed, the remuneration may not be reduced.


Deputy Director

  • Approved by GiC


Director (GCQ-7)
Dolhai, George G.
Ottawa, Ontario
Full-Time Appointment
During Good Behaviour
Deputy Director 
Antonyshyn, David
Ottawa, Ontario
Full-Time Appointment
During Pleasure
1 Vacant Position
Total vacancies:1