Organization Profile - Patented Medicine Prices Review Board

Patented Medicine Prices Review Board

The information presented on the following pages is for reference purposes only and should not be considered or relied on as an authoritative or exhaustive source of all Governor in Council appointments or positions.

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Minister Responsible

Minister of Health

Appointment Provisions

Patent Act

The Board consists of not more than five members appointed by the GIC to hold office during good behaviour for a period of five years but may be removed at any time by the GIC for cause. The members are also eligible to be reappointed for one further term.

The GIC shall designate one of the members to be Chairperson and one to be Vice-Chairperson.

The Chairperson is the chief executive officer of the Board and has supervision over and direction of the work of the Board.

A person may continue to act as a member of the Board after the expiration of the person's term of appointment in respect of any matter in which the person became engaged during the term of appointment.

If the Chairperson is absent or incapacitated or if the office of Chairperson is vacant, the Vice-Chairperson has all the powers and functions of the Chairperson during the absence, incapacity or vacancy.

The Minister may establish an advisory panel to advise the Minister on the appointment of persons to the Board, which panel shall include representatives of the provincial ministers of the Crown responsible for health, representatives of consumer groups, representatives of the pharmaceutical industry and such other persons as the Minister considers appropriate to appoint.


The Patent Act specifies that the Minister shall consult with an advisory panel (if established by the Minister) for the purpose of making a recommendation to the Governor in Council with respect to the appointment of a person to the Board.


To be established by the Board with GiC approval.


Chairperson and Member

  • Fixed by GiC: Position;
    per diem ($675 - $800)
  • Plus reasonable travel and living expenses.

Vice-chairperson and Member

  • Fixed by GiC: Position;
    per diem ($550 - $675)
  • Plus reasonable travel and living expenses.


  • Fixed by GiC: Position;
    per diem ($475 - $550)
  • Plus reasonable travel and living expenses.


Chairperson and Member 
Digby, Thomas J.
Vancouver, British Columbia
During Good Behaviour
Vice-Chairperson and Member 
Perrault, Anie
Carignan, Quebec
During Good Behaviour
Giraldeau, Peter
Canmore, Alberta
During Good Behaviour
Reynen, Emily
Kingston, Ontario
During Good Behaviour
1 Vacant Position
Total vacancies:1