Organization Profile - National Capital Commission

National Capital Commission

The information presented on the following pages is for reference purposes only and should not be considered or relied on as an authoritative or exhaustive source of all Governor in Council appointments or positions.
Board Profile

Crown Corporation (FAA, Sched. III, Part I)

Home Page Link

Minister Responsible

Minister of Public Services and Procurement


The mandate, as defined in the National Capital Act of 1958 — amended in 1988 — is to build a great Capital for Canadians, specifically by preparing plans for and assist in the development, conservation and improvement of the National Capital Region in order that the nature and character of the seat of the Government of Canada may be in accordance with its national significance. The Commission also organizes, sponsors or promotes such public activities and events in the National Capital Region as will enrich the cultural and social fabric of Canada. The NCC’s mandate includes: coordinating the policies and programs of the Government of Canada respecting the organization, sponsorship or promotion by federal departments of public activities and events related to the National Capital Region (NCR); and approving the design of buildings and land use, as well as any changes in use relating to federal lands in the NCR.

Head Office

Ottawa, Ontario

Appointment Provisions

National Capital Act

The Commission is comprised of:
  • a Chairperson appointed by GIC to hold office during pleasure for a term that the GIC considers appropriate;
  • a Chief Executive Officer appointed by GIC to hold office during pleasure for a term that the GIC considers appropriate;
  • thirteen other members, appointed by the Minister, with the approval of the GIC, to hold office during pleasure for a term not exceeding four years that will ensure, as far as possible, the expiration in any one year of the terms of office of not more than one half of the members.
The members, other than the Chairperson and the Chief Executive Officer, shall be appointed as follows:
  • three, ordinarily resident in the National Capital Region, from local municipalities in Ontario, at least two of whom must be from the city of Ottawa;
  • two, ordinarily resident in the National Capital Region, from local municipalities in Quebec, at least one of whom shall be from the section of the city of Gatineau that is West of the Gatineau River; and
  • eight from Canada generally, other than from a city or municipality mentioned above.
A member is eligible to be appointed from a local municipality if, at the time of appointment, the member normally resides in that municipality.

A member is eligible for reappointment, but a person who has served two consecutive terms as a member, other than as Chief Executive Officer, is not eligible to be re-appointed to the Commission, during the twelve months following the completion of the person’s second term, in the same capacity in which the person served.

The GIC may appoint a General Manager to hold office during pleasure.

No officer or employee of a Crown corporation or any of its affiliates, other than the chief executive officer of a parent Crown corporation, shall be a director of the parent Crown corporation.

In the event of the absence or incapacity of the Chairperson or the Chief Executive Officer or of a vacancy in either office, the Commission shall authorize another member to act as such, but no person may act as such for a period exceeding sixty days without the approval of the GIC.

If a member is not appointed to take office on the expiration of the term of an incumbent member, other than an officer-director, the incumbent member continues in office until a successor is appointed.


A member is eligible to be appointed from a local municipality if, at the time of the appointment, the member normally resides in that municipality.


The Financial Administration Act requires that before an officer-director of a parent Crown corporation is appointed, the Minister shall consult the Board of Directors of the Corporation with respect to the appointment.


Seven members (s. 3b) of By-Law No. I-84


By virtue of the National Capital Commission Act the Auditor General is the auditor of the Commission.



  • Fixed by GiC: Incumbent;
    per diem ($310 - $375)
  • Incumbent; annual ($8,000 - $9,400)


  • Fixed by GiC: Position;
    per diem ($310 - $375)
  • Position; annual ($4,000 - $4,700)
  • The Member, other than the Vice-Chairperson, serving as Chairperson of the Corporate Audit and Evaluation Committee, shall receive an additionnal annual retainer of $2,000.

    Expenses fixed by by-laws of the Corporation.


Chief Executive Officer (CEO-3)
Nussbaum, Tobias (Tobi)
Ottawa, Ontario
Full-Time Appointment
During Pleasure
Gaudreault, Maryse
Gatineau, Quebec
During Pleasure
Member (National Capital Region - Ontario) 
Gracie, Tanya
Ottawa, Ontario
During Pleasure
Hughes, Kenneth Joseph
Ottawa, Ontario
During Pleasure
Lewis, Catherine (Cathy) Helen
Ottawa, Ontario
During Pleasure
Member (National Capital Region - Québec) 
Apollon, Mireille
Gatineau, Quebec
During Pleasure
Palamarevic, Sasa (Sasha)
Gatineau, Quebec
During Pleasure
Akram, Sameera
Pickering, Ontario
During Pleasure
Bernier, Lise
Saguenay, Quebec
During Pleasure
Kikites, Andreas (Andy)
Etobicoke, Ontario
During Pleasure
Lajoie, Caroline
Québec, Quebec
During Pleasure
Mohammed, Eleanor Henderson
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
During Pleasure
Odjick, Norm
Maniwaki, Quebec
During Pleasure
Ragagnin, Lucio
Vaughan, Ontario
During Pleasure
Vaillancourt, Denis Bertrand
Rockland, Ontario
During Pleasure