Organization Profile - Copyright Board

Copyright Board

The information presented on the following pages is for reference purposes only and should not be considered or relied on as an authoritative or exhaustive source of all Governor in Council appointments or positions.

Minister Responsible

Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry

Appointment Provisions

Copyright Act

The Board consists of not more than five members, including a Chair and a Vice-Chair, to be appointed by the Governor in Council to hold office during good behaviour for a term not exceeding five years, but may be removed at any time by the Governor in Council for cause. Members shall be appointed to serve either full-time or part-time and they are eligible to be re-appointed once only.

The Chair must be a judge, either sitting or retired, of a superior court.

A member of the Board shall not be employed in the Public Service within the meaning of the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Act during the member's term of office.

The Chair shall direct the work of the Board and apportion its work among its members.

If the Chair is absent or incapacitated or if the office of Chair is vacant, the Vice-chair has all the powers and functions of the Chair during the absence, incapacity or vacancy.

The Vice-Chair is the chief executive officer of the Board and has supervision over and direction of the Board and its staff.

A member of the Board whose term expires may conclude the matters that the member has begun to consider.


Matters before the Board shall be decided by a majority of the members of the Board and the presiding member shall have a second vote in the case of a tie.



  • Paid under the Judges Act
  • Plus reasonable travel and living expenses while absent from the ordinary place of residence.


Martineau, Luc
Montréal, Quebec
Part-Time Appointment
During Good Behaviour
Vice-Chair (GCQ-5)
Olsen, Leonard Andrew (Drew) (Future Appointment)
Ottawa, Ontario
Full-Time Appointment
During Good Behaviour
1 Vacant Position
Members (GCQ-4)
Braun, Katherine M.
St. Albert, Alberta
Part-Time Appointment
During Good Behaviour
Côté, René
Montréal, Quebec
Part-Time Appointment
During Good Behaviour
1 Vacant Position
Total vacancies:2