Organization Profile - Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada

Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada

The information presented on the following pages is for reference purposes only and should not be considered or relied on as an authoritative or exhaustive source of all Governor in Council appointments or positions.

Home Page Link

Minister Responsible

Minister of Foreign Affairs


The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada is an independent, not-for-profit think tank on Canada's relations with Asia. The Foundation functions as a knowledge broker, bringing together people and knowledge to provide the most current and comprehensive research, analysis and information on Canada's transpacific relations. It promotes dialogue on economic, security, political and social issues, helping to influence public policy and foster informed decision-making in the Canadian public, private and non-governmental sectors.

Head Office

Vancouver, British Columbia

Appointment Provisions

Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada Act

The Board of Directors of the Foundation consists of a Chairperson, not more than twenty four other Directors and the President of the Foundation who are appointed as follows (by statute):

  • the Chairperson, appointed by GiC for a term not to exceed three years;
  • up to four Directors, appointed by GiC for a term not to exceed three years;
  • up to eighteen Directors, appointed by the Board for a term not to exceed three years; and
  • the President of the Foundation appointed by the Board for a term not to exceed three years; may be removed by the Board at any time.

The Directors and the Chairperson are eligible for reappointment in the same or another capacity, but no person may be appointed more than three times.

The Board may elect a Vice-Chairperson from among its members.

In the event of the absence or incapacity of the Chairperson, or if the office of Chairperson is vacant, the Vice-Chairperson has all the duties and functions of the Chairperson.

Where the President is appointed from among the members of the Board, another director may be appointed in his place, in accordance with the law.

The Board may authorize any director of the Board or any officer or employee of the Foundation to act as President in the event that the President is absent or incapacitated or if the office of the President is vacant.


The appointment of directors is to be made from persons whose background or experience would assist the Foundation in the fulfilment of its purpose and having regard to the following considerations: the need to ensure, as far as possible, that at least one half of the membership has experience or expertise concerning relations between Canada and the Asia-Pacific region; the need for a membership that has sufficient knowledge of corporate governance, investment management, auditing and evaluations; and the importance of having membership that is representative of Canadian society. A person is not eligible to be appointed as a director if the person is a member of the Senate or the House of Commons.


The Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada Act requires that the Chairman and up to four directors may be appointed by the Governor in Council, after consultation by the Minister of Foreign Affairs with the Board.

By statute, the twenty Directors who are appointed by the Board itself are appointed after consultation with the governments of the provinces and any interested individuals, corporations and organizations. When considering the appointment to the Board of a person put forward by the Government of a province, the Board shall have regard to the amounts contributed to the Foundation by that province.



  • Remuneration Nil - Statutory Prohibition
  • Serve without remuneration, but may be paid such travel and living expenses as are fixed by by-law of the Board.


  • Remuneration Nil - Statutory Prohibition
  • Serve without remuneration, but may be paid such travel and living expenses as are fixed by by-law of the Board.


NameAppointment TypeTenureAppointment DateExpiry Date
Pettigrew, Pierre S.Part-Time AppointmentRemovable for cause2022-07-012025-06-30
Pettigrew, Pierre S. (Future Appointment)Part-Time AppointmentRemovable for cause2025-07-012028-06-30
Directors (GiC appointees)
NameAppointment TypeTenureAppointment DateExpiry Date
Chee, Melissa M.Part-Time AppointmentRemovable for cause2023-11-242026-11-23
de Wilde, LisaPart-Time AppointmentRemovable for cause2022-07-042025-07-03
de Wilde, Lisa (Future Appointment)Part-Time AppointmentRemovable for cause2025-07-042028-07-03
Lederhendler, DavidPart-Time AppointmentRemovable for cause2023-11-242026-11-23
1 Vacant Position
Total Vacancies: 1